
Climate Change’s Impact on Babies’ Birthweight

Climate Change's Impact on Babies' Birthweight for gestational age: Climate change could pose a big risk to Australians’ reproductive health…

Most midwives cannot access bereavement care training during working hours

Leading pregnancy and baby loss charity Sands has published the results of a survey, which found the majority of midwives…

Diet, malaria and substance use linked to Pacific preterm births

Diet, malaria and substance use linked to Pacific preterm births. A new Curtin University study has found diet, malaria, substance…

COVID-19 infection in pregnancy not linked with still birth or baby death

COVID-19 infection in pregnancy is not associated with stillbirth or early neonatal death, according to a new study. However the…

RSM Presidential address: “The changing shape of the Goddess of Fertility”, the impact of globesity in the gynaecologist’s world

RSM Presidential address: "The changing shape of the Goddess of Fertility", the impact of globesity in the gynaecologist's world Date…

British stillbirth rates remain high

Britain has a higher rate of stillbirth and neonatal death than many other countries in Europe – in 2016 one…

Pregnant mums shouldn’t sleep on their backs

Pregnant mums, in later pregnancy, shouldn't sleep on their backs because it may cause problems for the fetus, according to…

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